BPOM is the abbreviation of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency.
This institution has the same tasks as the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with the main task being to supervise all distribution of medicines and food throughout Indonesia.
BPOM is a non-ministerial government agency that carries out government affairs in the field of drug and food control.
Every domestically produced processed food business actor or imported products in retail packaging is required to obtain a distribution permit.
Business actors who have or are just starting a processed food business are required to have a distribution permit. This regulation applies to all processed food, whether produced domestically or imported for trade in mandatory retail packaging.
This is stated in the Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) number 27 of 2017. Distribution permits for processed food traded in Indonesia can be issued by regents/mayors through the One Stop Integrated Service Unit/OSS Application or the POM Agency according to the food category. and risk level.
For every processed food produced domestically or imported for trade in retail packaging, food business actors are required to have a distribution permit. The obligation to have a distribution permit is excluded for certain processed foods produced by home industries. Home industries are required to have a Home Industry Food Production Certificate/SPP-IRT (PIRT number).
The distribution permit for processed food issued by the POM consists of BPOM RI MD (for food produced domestically) and BPOM RI ML (for food produced abroad). As reported on the BPOM page, of course to obtain a distribution permit you need to pay attention to the requirements, including:
Technical regulations: Head of BPOM Regulation number 27 of 2017 concerning Processed Food Registration. Registration is submitted for every processed food including those that differ in terms of:
Next, the steps for registering BPOM processed food go through two stages, including registering a company account and registering processed food products. Processed food registration is carried out electronically/web-based via http://e-reg.pom.go.id/.
Domestic Product (MD) Requirements:
Imported Product Requirements (ML):
Low and Very Low Risk Processed Food Requirements:
Medium and High Risk Processed Food Requirements:
Food Additives (BTP) Product Requirements:
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