SNI (Indonesian National Standard) is a standard set by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) to ensure that products, services or processes meet the quality, safety and suitability criteria in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia. SNI applies in various industrial sectors, such as manufacturing, food, construction, technology, health, and others.
Type of SNI Standard
The National Standardization Body (BSN) determines two types of SNI, namely mandatory SNI and voluntary SNI. SNI must cover products whose use guarantees health, safety and environmental sustainability. If it does not have an SNI label, then trade in Indonesia is not permitted
Apart from these mandatory products, SNI standards are voluntary. However, you need to know that even though it is basically voluntary, having an SNI label will add value to your product for consumers. So, it is important for you to get SNI certification.
Then, there are three activity classifications when viewed according to SNI. The following is a list and explanation:
Types of Products Required SNI
The first category is household equipment. This product is important because it concerns the safety of many people. In this case, there are various products related to stoves and gas, which include:
SNI labels must also be present for various toy products. What are they? Here is the list:
Furthermore, the following household products are also required to have an SNI certificate:
Transportation and supporting equipment are also required to have SNI labels for user safety. With SNI products, accidents can be minimized. For tire products, the following must be SNI certified:
For lubricant types, the following products need to be considered because they must be labeled with SNI:
Apart from the tire and lubricant categories, here is a list of other products:
Steel products that must be labeled SNI, namely:
Because it is closely related to individual and public safety, there are various products related to electricity that must be labeled SNI. The following are various electrical equipment:
Air conditioning and fans
SNI products will make activities safer for users and minimize accidents
For the agricultural sector, below is a list of products that must be SNI certified:
Various construction tools and materials also need to be considered for their safety. The following are building construction products that must have an SNI certificate:
The final category is chemicals, because their use requires high safety standards so that no damage or errors occur when used. The list of chemicals that require SNI products to be used is:
Process of Obtaining an SNI Label
Getting an SNI label is a challenge for a business, because the process is not easy and the requirements are quite numerous. However, you as a business actor will feel the benefits after going through this long process.
One of them is faster business development and progress. Because SNI products will be more trusted by consumers, so your business can dominate the market well.
To get an SNI label, you can do this by coming to the Ministry of Industry and looking for the Standardization Center Product Certification Institute (LSpro-Pustan) section. The steps you must take are as follows.
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